Bela / 22

I'm a fanartist with often-changing interests. My upbringing on Pokemon and my natural inclination to biology has me perpetually fascinated with enemy and boss design in video games, so that's probably all of what you'll see. I can rend metal with my bare hands and I cannot be stopped by brick walls. I hate art.

These are my favorite characters from various IPs. My favorite design philosophies come from Super Smash Bros, Rain World, and Opoona.
I look up to Lucas Roussel and Joar Jakobsson, sort of.

fictional lifeform hall of fame

Killer ScreensGamygaIteratorsAddisonsDark ScoutsPetrovilesDaddy Long LegsGuardians



katt / blossom / 11 / ougua / japhet / cold / domino / aurora / solar / charmed / chipper / nex / moby / meghan / screams / ebil / killian / moth / tori / ajax / birb / tybaxel

I am not really one to spill a lot of personal details about who I am.

This is the only photo I have of myself.

My favourite activities include bird watching and stargazing. If you have a farm--preferably one with large paddocks; containing large, herbivorous animals, please contact me! I'd love to see them. I love horses.

When I was a year old, I learned how to operate a keyboard. My life has been fucking ruined ever since. You could argue, however, that my life was ruined when I figured out how pencils work.

Of course, when you are on the internet, why would you be yourself?

You may have seen this creature around my profiles.

That is me. This is my sona.